Where To Get Our Dairy Products

You might be wondering where to get the different high quality dairy products that we had been sharing over the past week. Because you asked for it, here’s the list of different dairy cooperatives/associations assisted by the the Philippine Carabao Center. Check what cooperative is nearest for you and visit them soon! Let us know…

Handling Your Dairy Products

Keeping your dairy products fresh is a challenge when you want to bring it for ‘pasalubong’ to your family and friends. Or when you simply want to store it for yourself for later. But fret not! Because here, we give you a quick look on how to keep everything fresh, and we don’t mean just…

Buffalo-Based Products Made Especially For You

Have you ever wonder why dairy products made from carabao’s milk are more tasty and delicious?  It is known for its creaminess because of its high nutritional content making it a premium ingredient for delicious dairy product or uniquely appetizing recipe. Every serving of buffalo milk is packed with rich taste and essential vitamins and…